Monday, September 16, 2013

Finance Group Introduction

The Finance team is made up of:

McKeil Michalek, First year Masters of Architecture student at UNL

Kasra Molaeian, First year Masters of Architecture student at UNL

To start with the Financial team will be researching and categorizing information regarding the economics of the Sarpy County area. Many different categories will be explored, such as infrastructure costs and SID's. Many of these categories have overlapping areas of research and connections between the separate categories will bring around farther research to help create an overall picture of the financial aspects of Sarpy County. From gathered information we will be able to produce diagrams to effectively and accurately describe what conditions one can encounter within the area.

The Finance team has many opportunities to collaborate with other groups, sharing information so that all areas may better understand the information that they have acquired. We are excited to be able to work with the other teams to help build a comprehensive and knowledgeable picture of the Financial / Economical state for the area of Sarpy County.

McKeil Michalek and Kasra Molaeian

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