Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Interview with Gordon Scholz

    Gordon Scholz was kind enough to meet with the Financial group recently to answer some questions and provide insight into some of the economics of areas such as Sarpy County. Gordon Scholz is a professor of Community and Regional Planning at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
     We started out the discussion asking different questions about the financial side of SID's (Sanitary Improvement Districts) and how they directly impact development in the areas contained by them. We also discussed what financial responsibilities are re-directed from a county to an SID whenever a new SID is created.
    We also discussed the prices of land, the first acre rule and the recent rulings that had been made in relation to it, as well as the Farm Subsidies Program and the implications it has on small farms.
    Overall we had a wonderful discussion with our expert and came away from it with some extremely useful information, as well as many new avenues of research to explore. We are excited to see where this leads us in our continued research.

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