Monday, September 9, 2013

Ecology and Natural Resources Introduction

The Ecology and Natural Resources research team is made up of:

RodRick Ekwall
RodRick is a Third Year Architecture student at UNL.

Grayson Bailey
Grayson is a Thesis Candidate in his final year of graduate school, pursuing his Masters in Architecture at UNL.

In beginning our research of the ecological systems of Sarpy County, we will be focusing on the history of the area, as well as the potentials that have not yet come to light. It is important to understand the affectations of both the agricultural production and the impact of suburban development present in Sarpy County to uncover appropriate and positive methods of development.

We will be building timelines of national, regional, and localized ecological events, as well as the issues facing ecosystems in the area today. Through these timelines, as well as inventories of Sarpy County's natural resources, the aim is to accurately and comprehensively describe the conditions of Sarpy County, and specifically the Shadow Lake area.

As an area under drastic change, transforming under the push between rural and urban landscapes, the ecological futures of Sarpy County are uncertain, but with a concerted effort the protection of both natural and built systems can be possible. We are both excited to start uncovering and visualizing the present and potential conditions of this changing area.

Thanks very much,
Rodrick Ekwall, Grayson Bailey

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