Monday, August 12, 2013

Course Overview

Catalogue Description: 
Comprehensive review and examination of territorial relationships between spatial development, engineering, ecology, and architecture. Focuses on emerging factors affecting urban, suburban, and rural communities and spatial configurations beyond the binary of city and country.

Course Introduction:
The course responds to a condition in which designers are increasingly compelled to address and transform design activities previously confined to the domains of engineering, ecology, or regional planning. Through a foregrounding of territory, this course aims to open up a range of formal repertoires and political agendas for architecture. Why Project Territory? Territory lies outside the binary of city and country. It is the interrelation of representational practices and physical interventions in space. As representation, territory offers the tools to measure, modify, and situate. The territory is multiple as it embodies the political-will of a variety of actors operating at different scales. As a project in physical space, territory is the anti-thesis of tabula rasa: it is layered, negotiated, and constantly transforming. As such, territory is the coupling of political and aesthetic projects at various scales.

Course Partner:
Anne Trumble, Emerging Terrain

Course Funding:
UN-L Rural Futures Institute

1 comment:

  1. Anne Trumble from Emerging Terrain gave a great presentation on Sarpy County during the first day of class! The students are well informed to investigate their research scopes and engage the professional experts and community.
